Sieves : Few models of sieves – For plastic and small shredder I recomend at least 10mm holes.
Differend Types of sieves
Product Configurator : I will be trying to add an product configurator to the website – because of lots of possibilities for the shredders and for parts of shredders. If you are familiar with things like that – please let me know .
Hello. For a long time I have been thinking about designing a Bluetooth speaker made of recycled materials.
For the construction of the speaker I would like to use trash / waste plastic. Then Clean it , shredd the material down and in the end remelt it. Preferably from single-use bags that litter us the most. I would like to use electronic components already available in old devices.
Such a product ( speaker)should be something premium.
At the moment it’s just a concept because I have to create a mold – and the mold is not cheap to build. I am wondering how to raise funds for my project – so far I have a first concept – it would be an outdoor speaker.
Please let me know if you like this product and if you have any comments about it?
I have made a video out of Building that Shredder. Click on play button and enjoy the video . Dont forget to like or comment it.
I haven’t posted anything here for a long time, lately I’ve had problems with availability of materials, time and motivation to make more shredders. But recently I found some time to finally develop a bit I bought myself a car crane, which works great, and slowly cease to be afraid of building larger machines.
I plan to update the website, I would like to see what products are available, I would also like to start production. Serial production is still a struggle for me and I can not get motivated or invest more money to build more and better machines.
HDD shredder project, and the project of creeper shredder are in my head, but I do not implement them – I hope that the time will come.
At this time I would like to present the fruits of personal labor along with the car lift 🙂
So this and shredder PRO:
In addition to a large shredder also built, small shredders also project precious plastics .
I am going to stop building precious plastics shredders because I think my designs are better than other people’s, and in the future you will see the change to machines made by me.
And now everythings again but in Polish :
Dawno nic tu nie wrzucalem , ostatnio mialem problemy z dostepnoscia materialow , z czasem jak i z motywacja do wykonywania kolejnych niszczarek . Jednak ostatnio troche czasu znalazlem , by wkoncu rozwinac sie nieco kupilem sobie dzwig samochodowy , ktory sprawdza sie swietnie , i powoli przestaje sie bac budowy wiekszych maszyn.
Planuje zaktualizowac strone www, chcialbym by mozna bylo zobaczyc jakie produkty sa dostepne , chcialbym rowniez ruszyc kwestie produkcji . Seryjna produkycja to dla mnie wciaz klopot i nie potrafie sie zmotywoac , lub zainwestowac wiekszej kwoty pienieznej by moc budowac wiecej oraz lepsze maszyny.
Projekt niszczarki HDD , oraz projekt niszczarki prozniowej chodza po mojej glowie , jednak ich nie wykonuje – mam nadzieje ze przyjdzie i na to czas .
Na ten moment chcialbym zaprezentowac owoce pracy osobistej wraz z podnosnikiem do samochodu 🙂
Oprocz duzej niszczarki rowniez budowalem , male shreddery rowniez projektu precious plastics .
Zamierzam skonczyc z budowa niszczarek precious plastics bo uwazam ze moje projekty sa lepsze niz obce , i w przyszlosci bedziecie panstwo obserwowac zmiane na maszyny mojego autorstwa.
There are many diffrend types of plastics but one of the worst kind of plastics is LDPE – because it represents no value at all . I am trying to make something out of it.
I am currently planning to create a small size product like a forehead lamp or a bluetooth speaker. From plastic – especially plastic bags – and preferably extracted from the environment.
I am testing the first small products like carabiners which I have created and they are practical and increase the life span of the LDPE material (which has no value because it is too low quality plastic).
Here are the carabiners
new product development is already underway. If anyone is interested, please contact me.
Just because I made a second test of the injector, even though it deviates from the information about the shredder, I will add here such my second results.
Sewer pipes made of PP plastic melt between 220°C and 275°C, in the first attempt I was not able to inject the plastic into the mold because the plate was too cold, then I increased the temperature to 275°C and finally I started to get some results.
Below are the photos.
What is interesting is that the machine – with a maca 0.75kW motor copes very well with materials of various types – several pipes at once is no problem for her.
Nord motors, or rather geared motors – are really impressive.
Below are the photos
Awiec ponizej fotografie
The next step is a new machine that I have not done before, so :
I still build various machines, but I have never produced my own items, especially new items from garbage.
I finished the new Shredder lately. To build the Shredder I have used an old Motor with gearbox which was damaged.
Motor with Gearbox – 0.75kW about 400Nm (Nord)
After few months of waiting Engine was repaired, by a friendly company from Jelenia Gora ( my hometown). When the machine (Shredder) was ready, I wanted to try to make Plastic Carabiners out of garbage.
Shredding the first PET bottle
I used plastic pipes for the water network – that is -Poly Propylene which melts at temperatures between 220° C and 275°C (275°C must not be exceeded) the temperature of 240°C worked out for me. For injection moulding I used a machine of Injection type which I built a long time ago. The machine works quite well but it requires some improvements to make injection moulding easier. I didn’t have much time so unfortunately I managed to make 1 test. Which I consider to be a success anyway.
Shredded old waste waterpipes
10mm Sieve mounted on the Shredder -worked out for me
The material of PP type is very good for manufacturing elements of this type.
injection machine melts the plastic very well,( I plan to buy more PID temperature controllers like REX C-100) it goes well on the right temperature – the pipe seems to be just to small – it would be necessary to add some chute.
Currently working on another machine (bigger shredder) I would like to open a store and sell the machine normally.
Hello, I came home for Christmas from Berlin where I live, to Myslakowice ( Home City ) . The parts that I found in the Workshop on Christmas days, I managed to build a complete shredder. I am still waiting for Mr. Josef, who is making the frame elements for me so that the machine could be fixed and welded together.
I also have my old Injection Maschine and one form for the plasma carbines that I am going to press out of the recycled plastic.
I will try to add an announcement on the zero waste group in Deer Mountain – maybe somebody can help me gather the material I need to make the plastic carbines. I’m still wondering what kind of plastic to try and extrude the carbines, it will probably take several attempts to find out.
Stay up to date , i will post soon results of mine tests – how wid it work out.
I’ve been thinking about shredders for some time now – I’m trying to develop another model. However, recently I have been thinking about sorting waste. For example, plastic.
In the industry, pneumatic sorting solutions have been successfully used for some time. I would like to try to design a simple plant of this type to reduce the workload for sorting.
The first ideas that came to my mind are shown in the figures below
principle of operation : Waste is thrown onto the conveyor belt – in small quantities The belt conveyor is observed by the camera The image is analyzed by an object recognition program On the basis of the analysis, each object goes to the appropriate place where it is milled or stored. Air moves objects in the air through special nozzles
Points that are crossing my mind rigth now are : Waste sorting industry 4.0 waste grinding into small fractions automation internet of things video analysis