Hello Everyone from around the world.
I am still willing to build an HDD / Multimedia Shreddder – because I am thinking that plenty of really important resources are in the stuff we all dont need anymore.
Okay I want to present you what I am willing to build , only as a text because I have till jet designed nothing.
- Voltage 230V or 380V ( electric motors which I am finding are 3 phase )
- Motor Power : 2,2kW -3kW ( for your purpose you can calculate it yourself : here is an link to file which allows that – https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/q43wg9j08t6jyq4gfuq3v/obliczenia-momentu-obrotowego.xlsx?dl=0&rlkey=ii8eh4pw3307usj8jhejt6eb5
- Torque around 7000-8000Nm
- 3RPM ( when motor 2.2kW)
- Time to shredd 1 HDD out of Aluminium alloy – 20s
- Number of teeths : 3-6 ( when 3 teeths – then output will be bigger, when 6 teeths – small clean output )
- Numbers of axes – 2
- Material – teeths should be made out of : 9Crsi , I have been thinking about Hardox or C45 – hardend as well
- Price of whole machine should be around 6-8thousand USD .
- Weigth – around 500kg
- Dimensions : 1m x 1m x 0,5m or something like this
- Mesh – I dont think that mesh could be any good , but we can try to figure it out.
If you can tell me something more about the shredding process , maybe something is missing . Please tell me . I am looking for some volonteur eingeeneres / students which could help me out with the design .