What is an HDD Shredder?
A hard drive shredder is a mechanical device that physically destroys old hard drives in such a way that the data they contain cannot be recovered. Hard drives are made out of casted aluminium, have many metal parts inside this means they need special equipment to do the shredding. A reliable company must have quality equipment that ensures all data is destroyed.

I have been asked many times to build an HDD Shredder. I have been thinking about the projects over an Year rigth now because of an building I have been building with my brother lately. I have decided to Deisgn and test an affordable HDD shredder. First steps are behind me, I have designed few first parts, but this is still work in Progress.
Hard Drive Shreddder Construction assumptions:
- Two Axes made out of C45 hardend material .
- 3 to 5 blades water cutted out of Hardox Steel
- Easy to assemble solid robust steel frame
- Geared motor max 3kW -5kW – where the time to crush 1 HDD Drive should be less than 15 seconds
- Automatic stop and Reverse ( te hardest thing for me)
- sheet metal housing, safe for the user
Okay , hopefully in few days I will be back here with an first prototype. If you have some knowledge, experience in this field worth sharing , please write me or just comment the post .
Best wishes